SDS Pantomimes

Pantomimes for amateur and professional Stage Groups

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If you have used all the currently available pantomimes and are looking for something new at minimal cost

Look no further

You can download a sample script, free of charge from our ‘Download’ page by entering your details for our records.

SDS Pantomimes have an increasing number of new pantomimes which are ideal for both amateur and professional theatre.

Full staging instructions are supplied along with the recommended sheet music and a CD containing all the music tracks for the production. This gives you the option of using the tracks for your production or having a live orchestra if you prefer it.

In these days of rising costs, full backing tracks can save you a lot of money.

The pantomimes are designed to use minimum staging requirements, though you can use more elaborate scenery if you prefer it. The advantage of the minimal approach is that you can move from one scene to the next with minimal disruption to the action. Breaks for scene changes are not recommended as these cause the audience to lose the atmosphere of the play.

New Pantomimes will be added as they become available.

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